AeroInsta - Modules

Downloadable external
modules for AeroInsta

Account / Follower Analysis

Audience analysis, people who like / comment you most, those who do not follow back you, your most watched stories and much more are presented in AeroInsta Account Analysis Module with detailed graphics and explanations.

AeroInsta Account Analysis Module

v1.0.1 - beta


More useful modules will be added soon!


More useful modules will be added soon!

Modules makes AeroInsta more powerful.

New and powerful modules will continue to be added to AeroInsta. Each new module enhances your experience of using AeroInsta.

What do the modules do?

You can use AeroInsta more effectively with the modules. The modules are free and help improve your application experience.

Download any module you like, install it and enjoy. To get more detailed information about modules, tap the 'Download Module' button under each module.